Episode 23 – Stevie Ritchie gets a new JOB!

Episode 22 – A Very Kaneda Christmas – 2017 Year in review

  • Kaneda Bio
  • 2017 Year in review for all Manufactures
  • Will they make it in 2018?
  • Updates for Woz, GOTG, SW
  • Steve Ritchie Live!
  • Switch Pinball Arcade
  • CDMD for GOT
  • Eric Meunier’s Triceps
  • We beg for the TWIPYs
  • The TWERPYs!
  • Rob Radar is back
  • Dialed In! is finally Dialed In!
  • Hashmans party
  • Mailbag
  • Martin doesn’t want Ryan

Episode 21 – Ron and Bruce: Raw, Delirious, Uncut

Episode 20 – Jack Danger Loves Budgy Smugglers